indian baby boy names

100+ Best Indian Baby Boy Names

Finding the perfect name for your baby boy can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially when you’re searching for something that resonates deeply with your heritage and culture. Indian baby boy names are rich with meaning, tradition, and history, offering a beautiful blend of modern appeal and timeless elegance.

In this post, we’ve curated a list of the most charming and unique Indian names for boys, each carrying its own significance and story. Whether you’re looking for a name that reflects strength, wisdom, or something more contemporary, you’ll find plenty of inspiration here to help you make the perfect choice for your little one.

Best Indian Baby Boy Names

Keep reading to discover the ideal name that will resonate with your family’s values and stand the test of time.

Check out these other cute & adorable baby names:

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with A

AaravPeaceful, Calm
AakashSky, Open space
AadiBeginning, First
ArjunBright, Shining
AryanNoble, Warrior
AnilWind, Air
AshwinLight, Horse tamer
AkashSky, Heaven
ArnavOcean, Sea
AvinashIndestructible, Immortal
AjayUnconquered, Invincible
AnandJoy, Happiness
ArvindLotus, One who is sought after
AdityaSun, Lord of the Sun
AnishSupreme, Sovereign

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with B

BhavikDevout, Virtuous
BhaskarSun, Light
BharatUniversal Monarch, India
BhuvanPalace, Universe
BhaveshLord of the World
BijoyVictory, Triumph
BalramStrong, Brother of Lord Krishna
BhagatDevotee, Follower
BhuvaneshLord of the Earth
BandhanBond, Ties
BalajiAnother name of Lord Vishnu
BhavinIllustrious, Blessing
BrijeshLord of Braj (a region in India)
BrijmohanLord Krishna, Enchanter of Braj
BadrinathLord of Mount Badri (Lord Vishnu)

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with C

ChetanConscious, Life
ChaitanyaEnergy, Consciousness
ChandreshLord of the Moon
ChiragLamp, Light
CharanFeet, Humility
ChandanSandalwood, Fragrant
ChiranjeevImmortal, Eternal
ChinmayFull of Knowledge, Blissful
ChintanThought, Meditation
ChitranjanJoyful, Happy
ChitteshLord of the Soul
ChiranjeetImmortal, Long life
ChandrakantBeloved of the Moon
CharvikIntelligent, Brilliant
ChayanCollection, Choice

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with D

DhruvPole Star, Immovable
DevGod, Divine
DarshanVision, Sight
DakshCapable, Talented
DevenGod-like, Resembling a deity
DineshLord of the Day, Sun
DeepakLamp, Light
DhirajPatience, Calmness
DivyanshPart of the Divine, Spiritual
DevanshPart of God, Divine
DarshitDisplay, Vision
DevendraLord of the Gods, Indra
DanishKnowledgeable, Intelligent
DhyaanMeditation, Concentration
DipankarOne who lights lamps, Brightness

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with E

EshanLord Shiva, Desiring and Wishing
EklavyaStudent who learned from Dronacharya
EkantSolitude, Devoted
EkanshWhole, Complete
EshwarGod, Supreme Being
EkagrahFocused, Concentrated
ElankathLightning, Brightness
EhsaanFavor, Blessing
EkaveerBravest of the brave
EkadantAnother name of Lord Ganesha
EdhasHappiness, Bliss
EshantLord Vishnu, Lord Shiva
EkatmaOneself, Alone
EdhithaProgressed, Increased
EkbalDignity, Honor

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with F

FarhanHappy, Joyful
FaisalDecisive, Resolute
FirozVictorious, Successful
FazalGrace, Favor
FaridUnique, Unparalleled
FaizProsperity, Success
FahadPanther, Leopard
FardeenRadiant, Glowing
FarooqOne who distinguishes right from wrong
FaiyazArtistic, Abundant
FirdausParadise, Heavenly
FidaDevoted, Sacrificing
FanishKing of serpents, Lord Shiva
FalakSky, Heaven
FazilKnowledgeable, Wise

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with G

GauravHonor, Pride
GautamLord Buddha, The bright one in darkness
GovindLord Krishna, Cowherd
GaneshLord of the multitudes, Lord of the Ganas
GopalProtector of cows, Lord Krishna
GaurishLord Shiva, Mountain lord
GirishLord of the mountains, Lord Shiva
GahanProfound, Depth
GauranshPart of Lord Shiva
GaganSky, Heaven
GarvPride, Respect
GyanKnowledge, Wisdom
GokulPlace where Lord Krishna was brought up
GuneetVirtuous, Talented
GunjanHumming, Buzzing of a bee

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with H

HarshJoy, Happiness
HrithikFrom the heart, Name of a sage
HiteshLord of goodness, Lord of welfare
HarshilJoyful, Happy
HemantEarly winter, Gold
HarshvardhanOne who increases joy, Happiness increaser
HridayHeart, Compassionate
HarshitJoyful, Full of happiness
HemantGold, Early winter
HarinderLord Shiva, God of heaven
HiranGold, Wealthy
HimmatCourage, Brave
HemanshuPart of gold, Golden
HirenLord of diamonds, Wealthy
HanishLord Shiva, Ambition

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with I

IshaanLord Shiva, Sun
IshanLord of wealth, Sun
IndraKing of the gods, Lord of the heavens
IshirPowerful, Strong
IvaanGod’s gracious gift, Royal
ImranProsperity, Strength
IshwarGod, Supreme Being
IndrajitConqueror of Indra, A victorious person
IravanKing of ocean, Son of Arjuna
IreshLord of the Earth, Vishnu
IshankPeak of the Himalayas, Lord Shiva
IdhantLuminous, Sparkling
IjayLord Vishnu, Sacrifice
IshaanviKnowledgeable, Wise
IndrakshOne with beautiful eyes, Lord Vishnu

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with J

JaiVictory, Triumph
JatinThe auspicious one, Lord Shiva
JayantVictorious, Conqueror
JivanLife, Existence
JaidevGod of victory, Victory of God
JigneshCuriosity to know, Intellectual curiosity
JiteshConqueror, Lord of victory
JagdishLord of the world, Lord Vishnu
JaneshLord of men, Protector
JayanVictory, Conqueror
JugalCouple, A pair
JaibirVictorious warrior, Brave
JashanCelebration, Festivity
JwalantLuminous, Bright
JeevanLife, Vitality

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with K

KabirGreat, Powerful, Name of a saint
KaranGenerous, Intelligent, Mythological character
KrishnaLord Krishna, Dark, Mysterious
KunalLotus, Son of Emperor Ashoka
KeshavLord Krishna, One with beautiful hair
KartikLord Murugan, One who bestows courage
KavinHandsome, Beautiful
KavishKing of poets, Lord Ganesh
KishoreYoung, Youthful
KunalLotus, Son of Emperor Ashoka
KailashAbode of Lord Shiva, A Himalayan peak
KanavA Hindu sage, Wise
KetanHome, Pure gold
KrishShort form of Krishna, Divine
KumarPrince, Boy

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with L

LakshAim, Target
LakshmanBrother of Lord Rama, Prosperous
LuvSon of Lord Rama, Love
LalitGraceful, Elegant
LokeshLord of the world, King of the world
LalDarling, Beloved
LakshayAim, Objective
LaganDevotion, Attachment
LohitRed, Made of copper, Mars
LankeshLord of Lanka, Another name for Ravana
LavitLovable, Dear one
LavishRich, Generous
LaganAppropriate time, Devotion
LikhitWritten, Written by Lord Ganesha
LalithyaBeautiful, Graceful

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with M

MadhavAnother name for Lord Krishna, Sweet like honey
ManavHuman, Youth
MohanCharming, Fascinating
MukeshLord of Mucil, Another name for Lord Shiva
MaheshGreat Lord, Another name for Lord Shiva
MayankMoon, Moonlight
MithunA pair, Gemini
MuditHappy, Delightful
MaanavMan, Youth
MukulBud, Blossoming
MaahirExpert, Brave
MilanUnion, Coming together
ManojBorn of the mind, Cupid
MiteshOne with few desires, Limited desires
MohitEnchanted, Attracted

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with N

NakulTwin, One of the Pandavas
NeelBlue, Sapphire
NikhilComplete, Whole, Universal
NavinNew, Fresh
NishantEnd of night, Dawn
NitinMaster of the right path, Principle
NiharDew, Mist
NandishLord Shiva, Joyful
NileshLord of the blue, Another name for Lord Krishna
NiravSilent, Calm
NareshKing, Lord of men
NayanEyes, Vision
NirmalPure, Clean
NavneetFresh butter, New, Gentle
NiteshLord of law, One who is well-versed in law

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with O

OmSacred syllable, Sound of the universe
OmkarSound of Om, Divine
OjasStrength, Brilliance
OnkarAnother name for God, The primordial sound
OjaswinEnergetic, Full of life
OmprakashLight of Om, Sacred light
OmeshLord of Om, Supreme God
OmkaranSpirituality, Related to Om
OjasviBright, Shining
OmanandJoy of Om, Sacred happiness
OmkaranathLord of Omkara, Lord Shiva
OmavThe Om sound, Sacred
OmswaroopManifestation of Om, The holy sound
OmranFlourishing, Prosperous
OjasveerStrong, Brave

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with P

ParthKing, Arjun
PranavSacred syllable Om, Praise
PraneshLord of life, Lord Shiva
PrateekSymbol, First word
PrithviEarth, The vast one
ParamSupreme, Best
PavanBreeze, Wind
PranayLove, Affection
PulkitHappy, Thrilled
PiyushNectar, Amrit
ParthivPrince of earth, Royal
PrithvirajKing of the earth, Warrior king
PiyushNectar, Sacred
PrahladBliss, Son of Hiranyakashipu
PrashantCalm, Peaceful

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with Q

QadirPowerful, Capable
QasimOne who distributes, Generous
QuasarBright, Luminous star
QuadirStrong, Powerful
QamarMoon, Bright
QaysFirm, Resolute
QabilAble, Competent
QutbLeader, Axis
QayyamEverlasting, Eternal
QasimuddinDistributor of God’s blessings
QaysarEmperor, King
QuadirullahPower of God, Strong
QamaruddinMoon of the religion, Radiant
QudratNature, Power
QaadirCapable, Skilled

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with R

RohanAscending, Blossom
RaghavLord Rama, Descendant of Raghu
RishabhSuperior, Morality
RudraFearsome, Another name for Lord Shiva
RajKing, Rule
RahulConqueror of all miseries, Bonded in affection
RiteshLord of truth, Lord of seasons
RishiSage, Wise man
RanjanDelightful, Pleasing
RatanGem, Precious stone
RohitRed, First rays of the sun
RakeshLord of the night, Moon
RajeshKing of kings, God of kings
RanveerHeroic warrior, Brave
RudrakshEyes of Lord Shiva, Sacred beads

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with S

SahilGuide, Shore
SureshRuler of the gods, Lord Shiva
SiddharthOne who has attained his goals, Buddha
SamarthPowerful, Capable
ShlokHymn, Verse
ShivanshPart of Lord Shiva
ShreyasVirtue, Prosperity
SagarOcean, Sea
SachinPure, Lord Shiva
SanjayTriumphant, Victory
ShauryaBravery, Valor
SatyamTruth, Honest
SudhirWise, Resolute
SubhashSoft-spoken, Eloquent
SuryaSun, Sun God

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with T

TanaySon, Offspring
TarunYoung, Youthful
TejasRadiance, Brilliance
TusharSnow, Frost
TrishulTrident, Lord Shiva’s weapon
TanishAmbition, Desire
TarakProtector, Star
TrilokThree worlds, Universe
TilakAuspicious mark, Symbol of honor
TanmayAbsorbed, Engrossed
TapanSun, He who warms
TaarushConqueror, Victor
TriveniConfluence of three rivers, Sacred
TirthHoly place, Pilgrimage site
TussharCold, Snow, Winter

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with U

UdayRise, To ascend
UjjwalBright, Radiant
UmangEnthusiasm, Joy
UmeshGod of Uma (Lord Shiva)
UtkarshProsperity, Advancement
UditRising, Shining
UnmeshFlash, Blazing
UdayanRising, Appearance
UpendraYounger brother of Indra, Lord Vishnu
UjjwalSplendid, Glorious
UdbhavCreation, Origin
UdaiTo rise, Prosperous
UtpalLotus, Water lily
UjwalBright, Luminous
UshantMorning, Dawn

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with V

VedSacred knowledge, Scriptures
VihaanDawn, Morning
VikramValor, Strength
VinayHumility, Modesty
VihanNew beginning, Dawn
VikasProgress, Development
VishalImmense, Large
VarunLord of the waters, Neptune
VivekWisdom, Discernment
VanshGeneration, Offspring
VasantSpring, Spring season
VirajResplendent, Splendor
VeerBrave, Warrior
VibhavRichness, Prosperity
VedantUltimate wisdom, Conclusion of the Vedas

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with W

WamanShort, Lord Vishnu’s dwarf incarnation
WamilBeautiful, Loved
WaseemGraceful, Handsome
WarisSuccessor, Heir
WasimAttractive, Graceful
WriddhGrowth, Prosperity
WamanraoRespectful, Small
WajeehNoble, Distinguished
WajidOne who brings happiness, Inventor
WaliProtector, Guardian
WritwikPriest, Guide
WimalPure, Clean
WisvaUniversal, All-encompassing
WaqarDignity, Honor
WamaneshLord of the short, Respected one

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with X

XanderDefender of the people (derived from Alexander)
XenonA rare and noble gas, Symbol of uniqueness
XavionBright, New house
XanShort form of Alexander, Defender of mankind
XaminListener, One who examines
XylenLoved one, Friendly
XylonFrom the forest, Wooded
XaviNew house, Bright
XitijHorizon, The line where the earth meets the sky
XaidenStrong, Warrior
XimhanStrong, Brave
XavierBright, Splendid
XerxesRuler over heroes, King
XyonRising star, Enlightened
XarikThe beginning, Dawn

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with Y

YashFame, Glory
YuvrajPrince, Heir to the throne
YashwantAlways famous, Glorious
YogeshGod of yoga, Lord Shiva
YuvanYouthful, Strong
YashveerBrave and famous
YatishLord of devotion, Ascetic
YashodhanRich in fame, Wealthy
YudhishthirFirm in battle, Eldest Pandava brother
YatinDevotee, Ascetic
YuvinLeader, Strong
YashasFame, Success
YogendraGod of yoga, Another name for Lord Shiva
YudhvirBrave warrior, Victorious in battle
YajneshLord of the sacrificial fire, Lord Vishnu

Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with Z

ZainGrace, Beauty
ZahaanBright, Whiteness
ZaidGrowth, Abundance
ZakirOne who remembers God, Devout
ZayanShining, Bright
ZeeshanRespected, Dignified
ZoravarStrong, Powerful
ZavianLight, Shining
ZarifElegant, Witty
ZainulGraceful, Beautiful
ZuberPure, Good
ZoranDawn, Morning light
ZaydenGrowth, Increase
ZiyaSource of light, Radiance
ZubairStrong, Powerful

Popular Indian Baby Boy Names

Choosing the right name for your baby boy is a beautiful journey that blends tradition, culture, and modern appeal. If you’re looking for names that are both timeless and popular among Indian parents, here’s a selection of 20 names that have stood the test of time. Each name carries a deep meaning and resonates with the cultural richness of India. Let’s explore these popular Indian baby boy names:

1. Aarav: This name means “peaceful” or “calm.” It’s a modern and popular choice that has a serene and soothing vibe, perfect for parents looking for a name with a gentle touch.

2. Arjun: With its roots in ancient Indian mythology, Arjun means “bright” or “shining.” It’s a strong and heroic name, widely recognized and respected.

3. Vihaan: Meaning “dawn” or “morning,” Vihaan symbolizes a new beginning. It’s a trendy and fresh name that has gained popularity in recent years.

4. Rohan: This name means “ascending” or “blossom.” Rohan is a classic name that combines simplicity with elegance, making it a popular choice.

5. Krishna: A name steeped in tradition, Krishna is associated with the Hindu god who represents love and compassion. It’s a timeless name that carries a deep spiritual meaning.

6. Yuvraj: Meaning “prince” or “heir to the throne,” Yuvraj is a regal name that conveys leadership and strength, making it a popular choice for parents.

7. Ishaan: This name means “Lord Shiva” or “sun.” It’s a radiant and powerful name that carries both religious and cultural significance.

8. Kunal: Kunal means “lotus” and is the name of a historical figure from Indian history. It’s a name that blends tradition with a modern appeal.

9. Rudra: This name is another name for Lord Shiva and means “fearsome.” Rudra is a powerful and commanding name that is both popular and revered.

10. Kabir: Meaning “great” or “powerful,” Kabir is a name that carries both spiritual and philosophical significance, making it a favorite among parents.

11. Ayaan: This name means “gift of God.” It’s a modern name with a strong and positive meaning, making it increasingly popular among Indian parents.

12. Siddharth: The name of Lord Buddha, Siddharth means “one who has attained his goals.” It’s a name that reflects wisdom and purpose.

13. Vikram: Meaning “valor” or “strength,” Vikram is a name that conveys courage and leadership, making it a popular choice for boys.

14. Om: A sacred syllable in Hinduism, Om represents the sound of the universe. It’s a short and meaningful name that carries deep spiritual significance.

15. Ritesh: This name means “Lord of truth” or “Lord of seasons.” Ritesh is a traditional name with a strong and noble meaning.

16. Tejas: Meaning “radiance” or “brilliance,” Tejas is a name that shines with positive energy, making it a popular choice for boys.

17. Sahil: This name means “guide” or “shore.” Sahil is a modern and trendy name that has a calm and serene vibe.

18. Zain: A name of Arabic origin, Zain means “grace” or “beauty.” It’s a popular name that combines simplicity with elegance.

19. Tanay: Meaning “son” or “offspring,” Tanay is a name that reflects family values and warmth, making it a favorite among Indian parents.

20. Veer: This name means “brave” or “warrior.” Veer is a strong and bold name that conveys courage and valor, making it a popular choice for boys.


Choosing the perfect name for your baby boy is a significant and heartfelt decision. It’s more than just a label; it’s a reflection of your culture, values, and the dreams you hold for your little one’s future. Whether you’re drawn to names steeped in tradition or those with a modern flair, the names we’ve explored in this post offer a beautiful blend of meaning and melody, perfect for any family. As you embark on this joyous journey of parenthood, may these names inspire you to find the one that resonates most deeply with your heart, ensuring that your son carries a name that will be cherished for a lifetime. Happy naming!

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